The C.L.A.I have been successfully running for nearly three years. Over the course of those years, members of the C.L.A.I have been asked the following questions, which crop up regularly over the season of the heats and finals. Question: Can I enter the C.L.A.I Competitions, if my instructor is a member of another organisation?
Answer: By all means, YES you can enter C.L.A.I competitions. The C.L.A.I is an open organisation.
Question: What does C.L.A.I stand for and what is its purpose? Answer: C.L.A.I Stands for Country Linedance Association of Ireland, the organisations purpose is to preserve Line Dancing in Ireland and wont let Line Dance in this organisation and competition to be misunderstood or used as other forms of dance.
Question: Is C.L.A.I totally Country at competitions? Answer: Yes the C.L.A.I is 100% true Country line dance at competition level, always will be and this is strictly enforced!
Question: Can I use camera's during the heats or events? Answer:Video Camera's are NOT to be used during competitions, but CAN be used at the finals! This is to ensure that the dancers and teams hard work is protected- such as copying variations etc..Flash Camera's are acceptable at ALL times.
Question: I'm thinking of taking up Line Dancing, Is non-country music played during social dancing? Answer: Yes of course, It can on occasions be played during social only but the majority of music we play during the socials is country, i.e- all range of music is catered for during non competition, but country is largely played more. It has to be remembered if you are thinking of taking up and learning line dance, line dance can be danced to all types of music, as long as the dance and style is kept line dance.
Question: Can i bring my own music for inclusion at the social?
Answer: Yes you can, but we cannot guarantee we will play it, as we have to cater for the majority not the minority.
Question: Is this competition only open to Irish dancers?
Answer: This is an Irish organisation for Irish dancers only, born on the Island of Ireland.
This list may be modified at anytime.
C.L.A.I 2007 |