C.L.A.I All-Ireland Finals 2007 at Bettystown Court Hotel, County Meath. The C.L.A.I would like to thank all those who came along, competed and supported the 2007 C.L.A.I All-Ireland Line Dance Championships held for the second year running at the four star Bettystown Court Hotel in County Meath. We would also like to congratulate the great Irish Champions and Winners of the weekend! The placings were as always well deserved and it goes to show that the true essence hasn't gone missing. Each and every competitor did themselves proud. Once again there was a great turnout of support and of course competitors to the dance floor for the Fifth C.L.A.I All-Irelands. And yet again as it is year after year (and we keep emphasising it), since the C.L.A.I was formed, if truly answers the real burning issue that 'Country' Line Dance will be retained for many many years to come. It is only through seeing all the support at the weekend and the build up to it, that Country Line Dance is still extremely popular and all the hard work in keeping it has truly paid off.
About the Hotel The venue itself and a mighty one at that, was once again the 4 star Bettystown court hotel, not too far from the beach and town centre. This hotel was only recently opened prior to the 2006 finals last June, is owned by the Brennan group of Hotels who are widely known and greatly renowned for their fantastic hotels in Arklow and Killkenny and indeed elsewhere. The modern look, comfort, layout and location made it an easy choice to stage the Irish line dance finals here for the second time running.
The All-Ireland competition Hosted by Gemma McAlinden, the competition got under way on Friday night seeing all the teams of four and children categories vying for a place. The Saturday night saw the individual competition recommencing. Judges for the two days of competition were Grace McQuillan of Ballycastle County Antrim, Head Judge and C.L.A.I chairman Ray Cahill from County Killkenny, Frank Heelin and his wife Debbie Heelin from County Cork, Chris Beirne from County Roscommon and Jason Hill from Annalong in County Down. Competitors were given a run down of the rules and reminded of the strict dancing rules at C.L.A.I competitions. The knowledge of the C.L.A.I's efforts to maintain Country and Western line dance was fairly embedded with the competitors and explaining this and it's reasoning wasn't too much of a chore. After it was all over a social line dance on friday evening was welcome by everyone, Saturday after the competition the usual dance till the wee hours got well underway, seeing line dancers and non line dancers dancing side by side on the floor. Once again as with every year so far, before the results were announced on Saturday, every competitor who took part in the final recieved a medal. At the C.L.A.I we can only emphasise time and time again that it takes great commitment to get to this stage and we recognise the hours upon hours of hard work that goes into perfecting a dance. The competitors who got 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were given a great reception as each of their names were called out to recieve their trophy or cup. Teams of Four also recieved their glory, as well as the Line Dance clubs.
With the competition over for yet another year, the C.L.A.I look forward to seeing everyone at the start of our 6th season, from the end of 2007 to the start of 2008! Congratulations again to all. Keep it Country!
The C.L.A.I Would like to thank once again the hotel for their kind support on the weekend, also Seamus and the numerous people who helped make this a great weekend. *Want to keep updated?* Keep check here on the site for any announcements, or look out for our e-mail newsletter- C.L.A.I information delivered straight to you email inbox! If you wish to recieve upcoming C.L.A.I periodical newsletters, you must first sign up to the C.L.A.I Chat-Forum and the rest will be handled from there! C.L.A.I Forum: Click Here! -Country Linedance Association of Ireland 2007- |