C.L.A.I Competition Rules 2014:
It is compulsory that the first dance pattern must be done VANILLA i.e. main wall and back wall in 4-wall dance in accordance with dance script and sidewalls variation. In the case of a 2-wall dance main wall is vanilla and the back wall is variation. A division the entire dance must be danced vanilla throughout no variations allowed. B division minimal variations (not compulsory) C division variations (not compulsory) As this is Country Line Dancing- NO other style of dance, or other style of Line Dance will be acceptable.
It would be beneficial for competitors entering C.L.A.I competitions who were instructed by their class instructors , private tuition would be deemed un-beneficial . Any competitor who has danced in previous championships and were placed in any major competition can only compete in the B and C division of C.L.A.I competitions. Judges of the C.L.A.I competition will have the right to advise competitors in the A, B or C divisions of the dance level they feel is appropriate for the final championships.
Contestants Dress (BOTH MALE AND FEMALE)
Country line dance dress is compulsory i.e.Line dance boots, Hats, V shaped seam in jeans and shirts with yolks.Boots must be 2 ½ inches in height (can be less) The following are also allowed. Chaps, Skirts must be knee length A line Suede skirts are allowed also country line dance dress only. Leather is allowed
The following are not allowed: T-shirts, polo shirts, golf shirts, are not allowed Torn jeans are not allowed. Combat trousers are not allowed. Spanish, Ballroom and Latin American style dresses are not allowed Lace, see through material are not allowed, Minimum glitter and sparkle advised, Bare midriffs not allowed at any stage of the dance, Strapless tops or spaghetti straps not allowed Stiletto heels are not allowed. Kick pleats are not allowed. Body Rolls are not allowed.
If the requirements for Country Line dance Dress are not met, Competitors will not be allowed to compete under any circumstances.
Dance floor Rules
1. Competitors must be within the dance arena before being called or re- called, as failure to present them on the second call will lead to disqualification. 2. Dancers must travel within their own floor space 4. On individual placings, Exaggerated arm movements of any kind ARE NOT PERMITTED or above shoulder level. 5 . Full turns on vines, double spins to replace single turns, kicks and jumps are all allowed as long as the rhythm count is correct and kicks are no higher than waist level. 6. Acrobatics are not allowed Hands may touch the floor but not support full body weight. 7. Hats must be secure enough not to fall off and touch the floor. 8 . No chewing gum allowed. No vulgar language and No screaming. Singing is allowed. 9. Props are not permitted e.g. Guns, Holsters, Spurs, Garters, Gloves, Ropes, etc 10. Entertainment during dance is essential.
All contestants must be dressed for competition before attending Judges meeting and must be checked by floor co-ordinators before leaving the meeting. Latecomers into the meeting not dressed will not be accepted into the competition on that day.
Judges All judges must wear proper country line dance clothing. Hats are compulsory. Positively no alcohol to be consumed until competition is finished.
Instructors The C.L.A.I competition is not open to any instructor to enter as a competitor Associate members may enter if desired.
Age Category
Competitors who compete in C.L.A.I heats will remain in the same category for the championships of that year regardless of age change.
The age Categories for the 2014 C.L.A.I heats are both A, B and C divisions 8 and under 9 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 24 25 to 35 36 to 45 46+ Date of birth must be supplied on registration form.
Team Division consists of 4 members only .Age categories are as follows 9 to 12, 13 to 18, and 19+ If problem arises with age, flexibility will be allowed within 2 years either way e.g 9-12, 13-18, 19+ Teams can replace 1 member with over age candidate or under age candidate, but not both within flexibility of 2 years.
Minimum amount for clubs is 15 members. Age for clubs category is ALL AGES. All clubs will be judged equally on merit. All clubs must submit music to DJ 30 mins before club division commencing and music must be country. Any club unsure of country music track contact committee member for validation.
Divisions Divisions are as follows: Division A- Beginner: NO variations- Basic dance Division B- Novice: MINIMAL variations only, not compulsory Division C- Intermediate: Variations ALLOWED
Competitors new to the competition have a choice of either Division A, B or C on strict advice from their own instructor.
* The judge's decision in all categories will be final. * Keep it Country
Please Note: The C.L.A.I Committee reserve the right to refuse any unauthorised persons entry into any events, functions or competition held by the association. As a Strong Country Line Dancing association and as for membership to it, this will only be accepted to those we feel are committed to promoting Country music and dance. The Decision of the committee is final and no decision will be entered into.
C.L.A.I 2014