Keeping it Country
As many are now aware,other forms of dance which some believe are under the 'Line Dance' banner have cropped up in pockets across the world and have ventured towards the Irish Linedance scene. We are fully aware that there is room in Ireland for various forms of line dance and its Irish parent organisations, only through tolerance and acceptance of each others legit views will we succeed in promoting Line Dance in all its forms, traditional and new. It is only natural that many want to keep Line Dancing actually 'Linedancing', by keeping it to its American-Western roots, keeping it's authenticity- essentially keeping it country. The Country Line-dance Association of Ireland (C.L.A.I), are here to preserve the Country and Western/Traditional element and branch of Line-dance and to protect Line Dancing in general, in the 32 counties of Ireland. Many people throughout the country have voiced their support on C.L.A.I's efforts in keeping Line Dance Country and Western, so join us and help in keeping the original,traditional element of Country and Western line dance alive and kicking.